Advise cities (mayors, community leaders, their cabinet and technical teams) to improve processes of design and implementation of public policies related to human development, human rights, and management of urban complexities.

Provide services of analysis and assessment of the situation and context of a given urban reality, at different levels and perspectives, adapting them to the capabilities of the local government.

Cooperate with local governments to interconnect them with international and regional organizations and bodies that allow them to develop projects, good practices, and knowledge networks that strengthen their policies and management.

Organize training activities in management tools with a focus on human rights, the design of public policies sensitive to human development, and conflict and crisis management.

Recommend and assist local governments in courses of action to expand the scalability of their public policies (programs, projects) that enhance a city’s various resources.

Organize actions and activities, with a territorial and proximity perspective, for the development of visibility, promotion, and awareness linked to human rights and sustainable development issues.

Coordinate and manage the development of funds for social innovation projects, access to rights for the most vulnerable groups, and sustainable urban development.

Develop tools for data collection and analysis, and the creation of monitoring and assessment mechanisms of local development indicators, impact of change, fragility, and urban conflict.